Greetings Fashionistas-

After much anticipation, finally my web page is up. Please visit my new web-site and my world of makeup artistry at The Makeup Maven blog is all about face, new products, new makeup trends and inner beauty. I would love to read your comments, please let me know what you think.

A week from today I had the opportunity to key my very own fashion show with Style SalonNYC. The Spring 2012 look I created for this show was a Taupe smokey eye with a peach lip. The skin is very clean with minimum foundation. Keep your skin hydrated, so your canvas can be clear of breakouts to achieve a barely there foundation look for Spring. In addition, I had the opportunity to work with an AWESOME team of artists: Cataanda, Khadine, Vivian, Andrey, Natasha and Thomas. BIG Thanks to my girl Karen Dupiche for the referrals. Here I am below with one of the models for Style Salon 2012….the lovely Alexis Diana and the Style Salon makeup artists team with models.

Happy Makeup,

The Makeup Maven

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